Friday, January 11, 2013

Spotty Dante


Whew, I nearly forgot to blog today!  And I'd promised pictures last week of the other Dante* & everything!  I'm so glad I remembered.

This guy is going to be a very spotty bay appaloosa.  Believe it or not, he only has about 50% of his spots right now.  Many of them will be china-painted after he's glazed!

He started out with no spots at all:

Then I started scritching in some & added in much fainter ones with ground underglaze pencil (right side):

I added a bunch of hand-painted ones, and many more underglaze pencil spots:

Next, I tackled his legs- I sprayed & scritched!


Now he still needs his mane and tail worked on, a little touching up here & there, some eyes, hoof-stripes, etc, glaze and many more spots!  But hopefully it won't take too much longer.

Last week's dapple buckskin guy is progressing, as is the "Little One" I'm working on (also spotty!).  I'll share her next week.  As there have been inquires, I'll mention again that I plan on auctioning these pieces when they are complete, and I'll be sure to give y'all a heads up.

That's all for now!


*Dante was sculpted by the fantastic Sarah Minkiewicz-Breunig, and cast in ceramic by the amazing Joan Berkwitz of Pour Horse!  Just in case you didn't already know....


  1. He looks fantastic, Adalee! Your work is really beautiful!

  2. Gorgeous work! I love seeing the step by step.

  3. Many thanks, y'all! So sorry for the late response... blogger stopped notifying me about comments!
